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Mobility in Poland (23-27.05.2022)

Day 1, 23.05.2022

- a trip to the town centre: climbing up the Town Hall tower, making historical coins in town mint.

- visit at school: Let's know each other and Maria Skłodowska Curie
























- Making origami flowers

- a tour around host school: SP 9 Dzierżoniów

- in the afternoon: activities with music.


Day 2, 24.05.2022

- a trip to BÅ‚Ä™dne SkaÅ‚y/Errant Rocks in National Park of Góry StoÅ‚owe/Table Mountains

- visit at Museum of Papermaking: studnets got to know the history of paper and as young scientists they made some paper on their own.

- sports activities

- wild birds show (owls and a hawk)



















Day 3, 25.05.2022

- a trip to Wrocław: Zoo (Africarium and getting to know different species of animals), Actionbound scavenger hunt in Wrocław 'Looking for Wrocław dwarfs'.












































Day 4, 26.05.2022

- a trip to Piernikarnia ÅšlÄ…ska/Silesian Gingerbread House: students got to know the history of gingerbreads and made some traditional gingerbreads on their own

- a trip to Góra Åšlęża / Åšlęża Mountain

























Day 5, 27.05.2022

- scavenger hunt in host school town 'Discover Dzierżoniów'

- a meeting with the mayor of Dzierżoniów

- biology lesson at host school

- indoor sports activities.












Italian team run virtual moblity and followed some activities prepared by Polish teachers:

Virtual short-term exchanges of groups of Italian pupils: Poland: 23-27.05.2022

Monday 23th May the Head Teacher and the teachers of IC 47 ° Sarria-Monti of Naples met to analyze the proposal received by the Project coordinator, relating to mobility in Poland to be carried out virtually with the students. The teachers consulted the project website and observed the proposals, deciding, together with the Head Teacher, which classes to involve in the initiative. The classes chosen were five, 2C-2D (7-year-olds), 3A-3C (8-year-olds), 4A (9-year-olds), There were a total of 40 children participating in the activities. There were 16 teachers in all.
Then, the teachers and students begun to run virtual mobility looking at the activities uploaded to Project Web Site.
- Tuesday 24th May Teachers and students begun to know Maria SkÅ‚odowska Curie, watching “The genius of Marie Curie”, a film about her life, her studies and her discoveries.
Later, they prepared a poster about Maria Skłodowska Curie, a Polish scientist, two Nobel Prizes winner. They all enjoyed a lot.
- Wednesday 25th May Italian team begun to run the activities prepared by Polish teachers and viewing the video tutorials prepared by the Polish project coordinator, in order to find the material necessary to carry out the activities prepared on the project website
1. How to make a dwarf?
2. How to make an owl?
The first activity carried out was “How to make a dwarf?”. The students followed the instructions contained in the tutorial step by step, selecting materials, measuring, cutting, gluing, to create beautiful dwarfs.
Thursday 26th May Students begun to run a new activity prepared by the Polish project coordinator. How to make an owl? The students followed the instructions contained in the tutorial step by step, selecting materials, measuring, cutting, gluing, to create very nice owls,  employing all their imagination and creativity.
Friday 27th May The Italian team begun to collect all the products of the activities carried out during the week, to take pics of both the creations and the working groups. Finally, the photos taken during the activities carried out during the week were selected and a video celebrating the participation of the Italian Group in virtual mobility in Poland was made.


Created in 2020 by Anna Szczepaniak

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