The mobility in Greece had many different activities such as:
Icebreaking games between the students and BBQ at the school yard where the visitors tasted traditional street food.
Visit to the famous Gerovasiliou Vineyard where we had the opportunity to see a robot, outcome of an ongoing University project, that is programmed to check and collect the grapes.
Visit to Chemistry Labs where students conducted experiments of extracting DNA out plant cells and learned about the solutions and their PH.
Visit to a science center where we watched a short movie in a simulator and saw an exhibition about the history of computers. The issue of digital addiction of youngsters was extensively discussed and elaborated within the above mentioned exhibition.
Visit to the local cultural societies to learn the local history and attended an event with traditional volk dances and homemade cooking organized by the parent’s association and the whole community.
Visit to Aristotle’s school and the Museum of Vergina, where our guests learned a lot about the history of Macedonia and aspects of the life of the Greek philosophe, through archaeological findings and artefacts of immense historical significance.
Visit to the most important cultural landmarks of Thessaloniki and walked around the historical center.
Booklet creation about Aristotle, robot programming and kahoot game playing with questions derived from the previous activities and visits.
Virtual short-term exchanges of groups of pupils: Greece: 06-10.06.2022
- Monday 06th June the Italian coordinators of the project, with regard to the virtual mobility in Greece with the students, decided, together with the Headmaster, to involve six third grade primary school children (8 years old) in the initiative, even if the entire class participated in the activities, as a support for the research carried out. Class teachers explained to pupils that they would have studyied the life and works of a Greek philosopher named Aristotle. Then, the teachers and students begun to run virtual mobility looking at the news on the internet.
- Tuesday 07th June Teachers and students begun to know Aristotle, watching several videos about his life, so they knew that Aristotle was an ancient Greek philosopher, scientist and logician, considered one of the most universal, innovative, prolific and influential minds of all time, both for the breadth and depth of his fields of knowledge.
- Wednesday 08th June Italian team begun to collect all the images about Aristotle and wrote all the important news about his life, selecting materials, measuring, cutting, gluing, to create a beautiful a poster about Aristotle. They all enjoyed a lot.
- Thursday 09th June Students and teachers began to create a power point presentation, which contained all the images and information they had found about Aristotle.
- Friday 10th June The power point presentation on Aristotle was shared with the other students of the school, to let everyone know the life of this Greek philosopher and scientist, considered one of the greatest thinkers of antiquity and of all times.