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Amazing Biology

Students know about the life of the Spanish biologist, María Blasco  Marhuenda (Spanish molecular biologist - 1st woman in the world to obtain the Josef Steiner award for cancer research in 2003).

Biology is the study of living things and their vital processes. In this sense, natural science offers a wide scope in this field such as the study of anatomy of human beings, animals, plants, other forms of microorganisms…

Nowadays, biologists and doctors work and research together to discover new treatments for certain diseases.

Maria Blasco.jpg
Maria Blasco figure.jpg

A leaflet made by Spanish students:

















Students were taught about genes and DNA:




















Students did many biological experiments, from planting and watching plants, through human body serach to germs and many, many other.



















Students worked on healthy lifestyle and met doctors to interview them and to find out about doctor's work.


Let us consider a meaningful conversation between Margarita Salas and María Blasco Marhuenda on science,education, equality and humanism. They are talking about the role of women in Spain in the last 70 years. 

Especially during pandemia we worked with our students on pandemic restrictions and need of healthy lifestyle.

Students met doctors and interviewed them about dangerous illnesses and what we can do to avoid them and how to cure such illnesses. 

On 3rd February 2022 6th and 5th grade students attended a talk by Dr. Francisca Escalona Pérez on Healthy Habits on MEET at Atenea primary. After it, students asked her some questions on her professional career.

Spanish doctor interviw.jpg

Click the PDF file above to read the interview.

Istituto Comprensivo 47° Sarria-Monti/Napoli-ITALY

Doctor Mariafrancesca Muscio / geriatrician - hospital doctor

Doctor Michele Gazzillo / dentist - territorial general practitioner

Click the PDF file above to read the interview.

Polish students invited to school and interviewed doctor Joanna Ubran, who works at the hospital in Dzierżoniów. The meeting was at school on 24 November 2021.

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Click the PDF file above to read the interview.

Students drew Maria Blasco with her wise sentences about taking care of our life and health.

Maria Blasco' Thoughts

In Poland we started working on Maria Blasco  online, then we were at school and we continued it. Students got to know her achievements and then they played kahoot. They are extremely happy that they are the winners of the competition.

Created in 2020 by Anna Szczepaniak

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